Friday, December 27, 2019

The National Standards Of The World - 834 Words

Everyday Americans all over the nation proudly wave a red, white and blue flag. A flag with thirteen horizontal stripes, equal in width, and fifty white five-pointed stars in a blue rectangle in the upper-left corner. A flag that symbolizes the unity and strength of the country. As the flag is flown all over the nation it proudly holds the name of the American Flag. As many people see the flag some may begin to wonder why the American Flag is red, white, and blue and what the meaning of the flag is. The United States Flag is the third oldest of the National Standards of the world (USA Citylink). It was first adopted on June 14, 1777 by the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress. They adopted a resolution establishing an official flag for the new nation. The resolution stated, â€Å"Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field representing a new constellation.† (Gr eenstein) The flag was first flown on August 3, 1777 the site of the present city of Rome, New York. It has emerged triumphantly from eight great National Conflicts. It flew at Saratog, Yorktown, Palo Alto, Gettysburge, Minala bay, Chateau-Thierry, and Iwo Jima. The American Flag bears witness to the development of our national boundaries, natural resources, and the structure of our civilization. (USA Citylink) Since 1777 the flag has undergone several revisions to reach its current design. Between 1777Show MoreRelatedNational Standards And Public Education1453 Words   |  6 Pagesabout the standards and curriculum of public education. â€Å"And for as long as American have fought the culture wars, they have debated the role of education, the institution most essential to ensuring the reproduction of national identity.† (Hartman, 2013) This essay will evaluate the sides for and against the creation of national standards in public education. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Integrity Essay - 1038 Words

4/22/2010 Applied Ethics What Does it Mean to Have Integrity The dictionary describes integrity as being unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity. But in layman terms, integrity means to be who you are regardless if someone is watching you or not. Being true to one’s self, values, beliefs and morals is vital on the religious viewpoint. Integrity is how we decide to live our life. In our lifetime we will be faced with decisions only we can make ourselves. Only we can decide how we live our lives, and the decision we make defines us as. Integrity is doing the right thing opposed to doing the wrong thing. Integrity builds character and helps us develop values. This is†¦show more content†¦The integrity and the morals my mother and father taught me caused me to find the lady and return her wallet. She was so delighted to see her wallet she gave me twenty dollars. As you can see sometimes you can be awarded for doing what is right. If I didn’t return the wa llet the lady, for the rest of the day I feel guilty and just dirty honestly. Another example was when I was working at a janitorial service, and most times any employee who found a lost item kept it. One evening I was cleaning and a wallet was found again. My other co workers who saw the wallet as well looked inside the wallet to see if any money. They all confirmed there was large amounts of money inside, I told them to leave it alone and should return to the rightful owner. Of course everyone looked at me like yeah right. They all split the money and asked do I want a cut, I said no. The reason I said no goes back to what my parents taught me. And I asked myself, â€Å"Would my mother be disappointed?† I knew she would which made me even want to refrain more from what the other employees were doing. It was crazy because the whole act was caught on tape and all were terminated but me. I feel regardless of your profession, you should always be ethical. Sorry I wa s born as a person with a conscience. In my opinion it is sickening that most people do not possess integrity. Integrity is something that means a lot to some people and then nothing at all toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Integrity1425 Words   |  6 Pagesintegrity Danielle Shingleton Exemplification essay 10/3/10 Integrity We are presented with choices every day. Many are easy to make and cause very little stress, but some choices can be extremely difficult and have significant consequences. The difference between making the right choice or the wrong one is often determined be a persons character, which is based upon the qualities of integrity, responsibility, and honesty. Gaining an understanding of these three character traits and how to buildRead MoreEssay Ethics and Integrity1219 Words   |  5 PagesReflective Essay # 2: Integrity Article Integrity: Without It Nothing Works I have learned a great deal about the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. From the article, the term integrity means that it is â€Å"a matter of a person’s word—nothing more and nothing less†. It is important that one should know the difference between integrity, morality, and ethics. I learned that integrity is more on the commitment a person makes and keeps to fulfill what he/she said he would do. I feelRead MoreRespect and Integrity in the Military Essay2636 Words   |  11 PagesRespect and integrity, what really do those mean? I could look up those words in the Oxford English Dictionary or Websters, or and give a scientific, perscise and exact answer to these words. And while that tells you what they mean, does that really give their meaning. Well by Dictionary.coms standards respect is a noun that means to hold in esteem or honor, and to show regard or consideration for. And says that integrity means an adh erence to moral and ethical principles;Read MoreImportance Of Integrity In The Military1561 Words   |  7 Pages In this essay we will be discussing the importance of integrity, and what ways it builds cohesiveness in the United States Army. Integrity is defined as, â€Å"Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.† Integrity is one of the ethical values that the army uses to stay in check and remains a key value in the army. Before we look at the importance of integrity, let us first look different definitions of integrity. The true meaning of integrity is sometimes veryRead MoreTeaching Biblical Based Values And Helping Students Develop Their Characters As Christian Young Men And Women980 Words   |  4 Pagesthe character development of students are integrity, clarity, and devotion. While this list is far from exhaustive, it is a good base to show how easily values can be integrated into English instruction. The first value that teachers can integrate into English instruction is integrity. Merriam-Webster defines integrity as â€Å"the quality of being honest and fair† or â€Å"the state of being complete or whole† (Devotion). The Bible also has much to say about integrity. One example is found in Proverbs 10:9Read MoreIntegrity Is The Greatest Moral Obligation Essay746 Words   |  3 Pagesgreatest of these obligations is leading with integrity because it’s the one thing that you control and it creates an environment of trust within your command to accomplish any mission. This essay focuses on current and historic examples where integrity has played a major role in the morality of leader. The first point in why leading with integrity is the greatest moral obligation is that you are in control of your own integrity. Personal integrity is often described as doing the right thing whenRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter1006 Words   |  4 Pages Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking despite the consequences that may transpire from performing the action. In today’s society we tend to look at the easiest way to complete a task or the easiest way to make money despite employing the use of integrity. Your value of integrity typically portrays what type of person you are. The people you social with have an immense impact on your value of integrity. Integrity is the value you put on life, which is typically determinedRead MoreDevelopment Of A Regional Director For Sigma Phi Epsilon1473 Words   |  6 Pages and influence ethical decision-making among undergraduate, collegiate men. 3. In the practice of medicine, we have the amazing privilege to not only help our patients, but also to learn from them in very unexpected ways. Read the following 2 essays, written recently by students at the University Of Florida College Of Medicine. In the first, a student had a major impact on a young patient on the pediatric surgery service. In the second, the student describes her care for a noncompliant patientRead MoreHow Values Affect Individual and Organizational Behavior2675 Words   |  11 PagesPart 1: an individual essay on how values affect individual and organizational behavior Values The topic of values has become a plethora item of debate in many areas, particularly in the field of organization behavior. Values can be defined as the basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end- state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite and converse mode of conduct or end state of existence (M. Rokeach, 1973). Value predicts various aspects of individual’sRead More Integrity in Leadership Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesDefinition of Integrity  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since this paper deals with the idea of integrity in leadership, it is useful to start this paper defining integrity. Websters dictionary defines integrity as uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values; utter sincerity, honesty and candor, avoidance of deception, expediency, or shallowness of any kind Let us exam this definition a bit deeper. The first part of the definition talks of uncompromising adherence. This means that one would

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Developing Clinical Reasoning

Question: Complete the following sentences, then analyze the reasons for your answers. When my parents can no longer care for themselves, I will do what? If my parents were living in a long-term care facility, I would want the nurse to do what? When I am old, I want my family to do what? Answer: When my parents can no longer care for themselves, I will do what? When parents are old they cannot work at their maximum efficiency and they are unable to perform their daily routine hence it is advised to give them nursing or midwifery assistance. Proper nursing care is only be achieved by valuing and respecting elders and this way a basic care that would assist them in eating, drinking and they required a proper hygienic environment and these fundamental and essential care is must to be provided (Landefeld et. al., 1995 If my parents were living in a long-term care facility, I would want the nurse to do what? If the parents are old they require special care in a nursing care facility so that a proper help could be given to parents and role of family members is to identify the real and functional help by interdisciplinary consultation. Proper nurses have to support the parents as they are caregiver and they educate and support and they have to perform proper rehabilitative efforts even at the time when health of parents are ameliorating. Nurse should take care of complication that occurs with age and address some safety issue in fall injuries. It is essential for nurses to have knowledge of physical therapy which might be very useful in long term and ensures health safety (Lawton Brody, 1969). . When I am old, I want my family to do what? When I will grow old the main objective of family will be to maintain the daily routine that would help in maintaining cognitive and physical activity through socializing ourselves. Physical activeness in body will allow flexible visitation a well has it also promotes that habit of reading newspapers. Expertise nursed provides proper education and gives strategy to maintain the healthy life style and encountering the situation of functional decline. Refernces Lawton, M. P., Brody, E. M. (1969). Assessment of older people: Self-maintaining and instrumental activities of daily living. Gerontologist, 9, 179186. Landefeld, C. S., Palmer, R. M., Kresevic, D. M., Fortinsky, R. I., Kowa, J. (1995). A randomized trial of care in a hospital medical unit especially designed to improve the functional outcomes of acutely ill older patients. New England Journal of Medicine, 332, 13381344

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Essays - English-language Films,

The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, delivers a powerful novel invoked with symbolism. Centered on Hester, a woman branded with a scarlet ?A? as a mark for adultery, much of the Scarlet Letter's symbolism grows from the cruel, and shameful letter. The ?A? symbolizes the ?walking emblem of shame.? (Hawthorne 6). Throughout the novel, the brand of disgust evolves around the characters influenced by Hester, including her illegitimate child Pearl. Even Pearl is subject to the shame her mother has bore, and is also shunned from the strict Puritan society. The close of the novel reveals that the symbol has given Hester strength to redeem her sin, rather then brake her spirits. The adulterous mark is almost replaced by the community as ?able? due to Hester's deeds to the community. Scarlet Letter also uses nature's flowers as a way to symbolize growth in the novel. The opening chapter describes a rosebush growing by the prison. It shows how even a beautiful flower like the rose can be judged as sacrificial, with its petals near the jail. This relates to Hester, as her beautiful character is judged by sin, not by actions. Later in the novel, Chillingworth, Hester's husband, expresses to let the black flower blossom as it may. (Hawthorne 14). This reoccurrence of the flower shows how Chillingworth accepts his tortuous soul. The flower's bloom is a direct symbol for the growth of character in Scarlet Letter. Clothing is a final source Hawthorne uses to symbolize. In chapter 7, Pearl is dressed in a red gown, with gold trim. The dress of Pearl is almost identical to the brand Hester must endure, with her scarlet brand. Chillington is dressed in black, which gives an insight into his sinister character, as revealed in chapter 14. Also, the use of bright color, like red, and gold expresses how different Hester and Pearl are viewed by the Puritan society, which mainly dresses in plain, emotionless colors. The brand of sin is reflected in all the aspects of Hester's life, which show how clothing in Scarlet Letter drastically reflects situation, and character. Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter gives a tremendous impression on the reader, filled with oppression, and historical opinion of the Puritans. Unfortunately, as the novel appears to mirror reality, situations in the storyline leave the reader skeptical about the actual ability to perform these actions. Hester's sudden removal of the scarlet brand bestowed upon her seems very unrealistic, considering it took seven years to remove it so quickly, and carefree. It almost makes the symbol of the scarlet letter obsolete at the end of the chapter 18, leaving insinuation that the letter did not have as much influence as formerly expressed. The Scarlet Letter also confuses the reader during chapters after 20. The final pages of the novel give a completely different perspective. Generally focused on the main characters, during chapter 21, and 22, the market gives a more broad insight into the community. While it makes for interesting reading, the sudden change of perspective leaves the reader strayed from the main characters, like Hester, and Pearl. The Scarlet Letter is a very intriguing novel, for anyone looking to find a tale of Puritan life, and the harsh reality of the times. Overall, the Scarlet Letter delivers an exciting, and interesting view for all readers.