Sunday, February 23, 2020

Gangs and the Violence They Create in the Prison System Research Paper

Gangs and the Violence They Create in the Prison System - Research Paper Example In the light of these studies, correctional officers can understand the mechanism of gangs in prison and take appropriate steps to deter violence in prisons. The existence of gangs in prison poses numerous challenges for the jail authorities because these gangs are involved in creating violence inside prison systems. Gangs in prison are formed usually be former street gangsters and as such, formation of gangs in prison is inevitable because gangsters prefer to associate themselves with gangs because it enables them to continue their illegal activities even inside the prison. Gangs within prison become a source of grouping such inmates that share the same ideas or philosophies; or that share common criminal background. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out that gangs forcibly involve such inmates that were not previously part of any gang. Being a part of prison gang is not a temporary connection. Gangsters must remain loyal to the gangs they join in prison. The reason why gangsters naturally become members of prison gangs is that individual gangsters cannot perform the same way, as they would in a gang. The network of gangs may be affiliated with other networks in and outside the prison. This facilitates their activities inside prison, as a result of which much of the violence is created in the prison systems. Prison gangs are off-shoots of street gangs; however, the working of prison gangs is entirely different from street gangs. In prison, the gangs must operate within the limits of the prison walls and they do not have the liberty to run away or escape. They do not have their secret hideouts to plan and execute their actions. Moreover, due to the strict surveillance in prisons, gangsters cannot communicate or transmit their messages as they would in an open environment. Thus, they need to develop their specific way of communication through various symbols and signs. Using symbolic language is much safer than verbal or other typical

Friday, February 7, 2020

Characteristics of Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Essay Example He conquered the world technology arena with his compact visions and innovations and thus emerged as the idol of innovations in the computer coliseum. As Mclnerney (2011) reflects, Jobs is regarded as the ‘father of digital revolution’ and the ‘master of innovations.’ Steve Jobs is well known as the co-founder, CEO and chairman of Apple Computer Inc. It was his vicissitudes and visions that made apple the most sought out IT brand in the world. He is considered as the strenuous daredevil of the personal computer revolution. Jobs started Apple with one of the most successful personal computer series Apple II series. He utilized the vast potential of the graphical user interface which used mouse for operations and brought in a number of new ideas into computer technology which later became a bible for the technology world. Though he left Apple in 1985 as an aftermath of a power struggle with the board of directors, Apple had to appoint him as the CEO again in t he late-90s when they were nearing bankruptcy. Thereafter, the world witnessed Apple perplex growth as the world’s #1 computer brand under his leadership. It took him just a year to lift up Apple from bankruptcy to profit. IT giants like Microsoft; IBM etc. posed benumbed challenge on Apple in the hardware and software areas. That was the greatest challenge in front of Jobs. It can be mentioned that it was the exclusive thoughts of Steve Jobs that kept Apple alive in the competition with other corporate. Apple had to use the product called NeXTSTEP which Jobs developed when he was outside Apple to make the Mac OS-X which was Apple’s most prestigious operating system ever. Thereafter Apple never had a bad time in the industry. As Halliday (2011) points out, Apple outraged all other electronic and IT brands through their range of products which are commonly referred by the name ‘i’- iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and the latest iPad. Steve Jobs was not the kind of the business leaders that the world had witnessed before. And he will be counted unique for the future also. He is often termed as a futuristic leader. He was a leader who mingled with his staff as a co-worker and demanded the delivery of complete potential from the staff. He was a frank criticiser. Steve Jobs created gadgets which were going to be the gadgets of future in the present. That is something which made him stand up among other leaders. He showered energy to his staff and motivated them. He encouraged them to think crazy like him and that is why we see such products are coming only from Apple while other companies are merely copying them. Jobs wanted to stand first always and he effectively has done that. He had a strong mind and his mindsets were always clear. He made strong decisions whenever there were criticalities within the enterprise and he was never double minded in making any decision. He told his employees: â€Å"The cure for Apple is not cost cutting. The c ure for Apple is to innovate its way out of its current predicament† (cited in Maddalone, 2012). He was not reluctant to speak out frankly to the world about his bold decisions in carrying on Apple. This describes his methodology of leading the company. He knew how to draw the full productivity from the workers, and that is why Apple still sustains its reputation. Jobs brought behemoth waves in the field of music with his iPod. He