Thursday, August 27, 2020

Manchester Dbq Free Essays

Manchester was the focal point of assembling driving in material and motorized industrializations. By this occurrence the populace in Manchester, England developed by having 282,000 additional individuals coming in only 100 years. Issues with such an enormous populace and assembling development were messy offices, stressed work, and denied the satisfaction of life. We will compose a custom exposition test on Manchester Dbq or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now The processing plants were not perfect working conditions. Edwin Chadwick portrayed the production lines â€Å"†¦ environmental polluting influences created by decaying creature and vegetable substances, by soggy and foulness, and close and stuffed residences. This made the grown-up populace fleeting, careless and intemperate† (Doc 6). With these working conditions men were not in the best wellbeing. Wheelan and Company then again feel that Manchester has wonderful highlights and are the workshop of the world (Doc 9). Since they are a business organization all they care about is the cash they are making off of it and they couldn't care less about human government assistance. This is best put by Flora Tristan she composed, â€Å"If you visit a production line, it is anything but difficult to see that the solace and government assistance of the laborers have never entered the developers head† (Doc 7). Alexis de Tocqueville a French guest said the acculturated man is turned around into a savage (Doc 5). Since he is a guest to the nation he will say anything he desires or ponders the circumstance and it won't influence him. With these models it shows that the filthy manufacturing plants were bad working conditions. The expanding number of processing plants implied that an ever increasing number of laborers expected to work and the entirety of the production lines. Robert Southey an English Romantic writer composed â€Å"where you get notification from inside the everlasting racket of hardware, when the chime rings it is to call the heels to their work rather than their petitions. † He likewise discusses the â€Å"frequent structures among them as extensive as religious circles without their beauty†(Doc 2). Since he is a sentimental artist he won't care for the progressions that the machines have assumed the magnificence of the city and the heavenliness of the individuals. Manchester’s individuals didn't care for what they were doing however the administration believed this was only a sublime thing occurring. Thomas B. Macaulay a Member of Parliament composed this was helping everybody being better taken care of, stopped, dressed and went to in infection (Doc 3). He loves hardware since he doesn't need to work the extended periods in the processing plants and gets the items that are originating from them. He doesn't fathom the since a long time ago stressed working that it took to make the items. This significant issue was not completely comprehended by the administration since they simply observe the items and the cash they are making. They don't have the foggiest idea what the individuals are doing to get that going. The mechanical insurgency hit Manchester, England and it got on rapidly and it turned into a main assembling maker on the planet however it accompanied a cost. Issues with such an enormous populace and assembling development were dirty offices, stressed work, and denied the joy of life. These outcomes changed the way businesses for eternity. The most effective method to refer to Manchester Dbq, Essay models

Saturday, August 22, 2020

College Admissions Essay: Making the Connections :: College Admissions Essays

Making the Connections  Mankind is immortal.â There is nothing that drives us to rot into mature age and bite the dust, this is simply our body devastating itself once our motivation ( multiplication ) is complete.â Evolution not exclusively didn't try to choose against qualities that execute off individuals past 40, however somewhat chose for such qualities: the quicker we experience ages, the quicker we evolve.â If the qualities that cause the progressions we partner with mature age were smothered in some substance way, we would be equipped for interminable life.â Another approach to everlasting status would include the structure of a biomechanical body or some likeness thereof, something directly out of a Terminator film, that would bolster the cerebrum with just the synthetic concoctions important to endurance ( on the off chance that we could figure out which those are ) and hence keep away from the impact of maturing genes.â All of this hereditary, biochemical and water powered research woul d be founded on information picked up in college.â One other thing: we've all known about cliques that guarantee they have found eternality here and there, which as far as anyone knows have individuals who've lived 200 years.â If there's even a sliver of truth in any of that, my estimate is that these multi year veterans have figured out how to arrange their brains somehow or another ( through some arcane style of reasoning maybe ) that deleted the organic clock.   â â â â â â â â â â All taking all things together, interminability is just a single little thing that people may be able of.â The bizarre capacities seen in mentally unbalanced individuals, as amazing calculating rate, truly are not one of a kind to medically introverted people.â These capacities are covered somewhere down in everybody's inner mind, and it is simply an issue of our brains letting us use them or not.â actually, I imagine that alongside those scientific capacities are covered a lot more abilities.â I feel sure that among them is immaculate coordination, and there may be some extremely peculiar mystic or time-related capacities as well.â The psyche is driven by its maker, evolution.â It is just worried about reproduction.â Evolution has raised a boundary among ourselves and our latent capacity, and lets capacity leak through to the individuals who have attractive qualities and are expected to repeat. School Admissions Essay: Making the Connections :: College Admissions Essays Making the Connections  Humankind is immortal.â There is nothing that compels us to rot into mature age and pass on, this is only our body wrecking itself once our motivation ( proliferation ) is complete.â Evolution not exclusively didn't try to choose against qualities that murder off individuals past 40, yet somewhat chose for such qualities: the quicker we experience ages, the quicker we evolve.â If the qualities that cause the progressions we partner with mature age were smothered in some synthetic manner, we would be equipped for unceasing life.â Another approach to eternality would include the structure of a biomechanical body or some likeness thereof, something directly out of a Terminator film, that would bolster the cerebrum with just the synthetic concoctions important to endurance ( in the event that we could figure out which those are ) and consequently maintain a strategic distance from the impact of maturing genes.â All of this hereditary, biochemical and pressure driven research wo uld be founded on information picked up in college.â One other thing: we've all known about religions that guarantee they have found everlasting status here and there, which as far as anyone knows have individuals who've lived 200 years.â If there's even a smidgen of truth in any of that, my theory is that these multi year veterans have figured out how to arrange their brains here and there ( through some arcane style of reasoning maybe ) that deleted the natural clock.   â â â â â â â â â â All taking all things together, everlasting status is just a single little thing that people may be competent of.â The peculiar capacities seen in mentally unbalanced individuals, as fantastic calculating velocity, truly are not one of a kind to medically introverted people.â These capacities are covered somewhere down in everybody's inner mind, and it is simply a question of our brains letting us use them or not.â indeed, I imagine that alongside those scientific capacities are covered a lot more abilities.â I feel sure that among them is flawless coordination, and there may be some extremely weird mystic or time-related capacities as well.â The psyche is driven by its maker, evolution.â It is just worried about reproduction.â Evolution has raised a boundary among ourselves and our latent capacity, and lets capacity leak through to the individuals who have alluring qualities and are proposed to replicate.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Self Introduction Essay

How to Write a Self Introduction EssayWriting a self introduction essay is very important. This is an essay that will begin to describe you and what you have to offer. It is important that you know how to write a self introduction essay.The first step to writing a self introduction essay is to learn about yourself. You will want to give your reader some insight into your personality. This will help you when you are attempting to describe yourself. You do not want to talk about what is wrong with you, but rather what is right about you.The next step is to highlight strengths. Make sure that you clearly describe the best thing about you. This will help to get the reader to read your essay and start to get excited about your overall personality.You should then come back at the end of your essay to explain the main points. Explain why you want to write this particular essay. You want to make sure that you have covered all bases so that when the time comes to get to the conclusion you can answer the question that your reader has in mind. You want your self introduction essay to be something that the reader wants to read more about.The final part of the essay is to add a closing paragraph to let the reader know that they can contact you any time if they have any questions. Explain why you can answer any questions they have. You should have good examples to hand to show how to answer the question the reader has.To make this all work you will need to prepare an information pack. This information pack should be detailed enough that it can be read in one sitting. This is the type of information that you will need to present to the readers. This is the information that will help you to convince them to hire you.Your information pack should be inclusive of: personal profile, the reasons why you want to be interviewed, the most recent achievements that you have had, personal and professional life story, what your goals are, what you hope to gain from the interview, the reas on you are interviewing them and why they are hiring you. You can add more details as you go. The more information you add, the more convincing your piece will be.As a writer you must understand that the information pack you write will last for a very long time. That is why you will need to write the information pack in a way that is not only convincing, but it also explains all of the things that they were expecting to find in this self-introduction essay.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Case Study Essay - 1285 Words

Main problem: Toyota Motor Manufacturing, U.S.A. (TMM) is deviating from the standard assembly line principle of jidoka in an attempt to avoid expenses incurred from stopping the production line for seat quality defects. This deviation has contributed to the inability to identify the root cause of the problem, which has led to decreased run ratios on the line and an excess of defective automobiles in the overflow lot for multiple days. If this problem isn’t fixed quickly, an increased amount of waste will continue to be incurred and customer value will be threatened. Analysis: Friesen is truly struggling to find a way to have his cake and eat it too. Friesen is passionate about TPS ways of achieving lean manufacturing by staying†¦show more content†¦There are a few alternatives for Friesen to take at this point: 1. Continue the deviation to the production process, but start a full investigation into uncovering what the true root causes of the seat problems are, utilizing key personnel from assembly, production control, quality control and the supplier (KFS). 2. Immediately cease the deviation to production process and go back to jidoka and the andon pull standards, which would mean stopping production when defective seats are encountered. 3. Go back to the traditional production process, but have in stock a small ‘buffer’ of seat inventory to call on when defective seats are encountered on the line. So let’s evaluate these alternatives. By implementing the first solution, to continue the attempt to solve the problem off the line, the benefits are no stoppage to the production process, and therefore, a potential cost savings. However, this benefit is short term. The downsides are numerous and most likely more costly in the long run. Until the problem is solved run ratios will continue to be low, defects will be high, and the overflow lot will continue to grow – excessive waste will continue to happen. In addition, customer value will continue to be threatened. Also, by stopping the production line time and time again to deal with the defective seat, the flow of the production line will still be disrupted. And, since this alternative might not utilize those employees that are closest to the productionShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Toyota Motor Manufacturing1456 Words   |  6 PagesProblem Statement Toyota Motor Manufacturing USA, Inc is dealing with an increasing problem regarding seat supply, and one of the main reasons for this issue is due to seat defects. This has led to a decreased run ratio on the line, as well as resulting in the rising number of vehicles sitting off line with defective seats or no seats at all thus requiring overtime to make up for the loss of production. In addition, it should be mentioned about the way Toyota Motor Manufacturing handles the defectiveRead MoreToyota Motor Manufacturing Case Study Essay1288 Words   |  6 PagesMain problem: Toyota Motor Manufacturing, U.S.A. (TMM) is deviating from the standard assembly line principle of jidoka in an attempt to avoid expenses incurred from stopping the production line for seat quality defects. This deviation has contributed to the inability to identify the root cause of the problem, which has led to decreased run ratios on the line and an excess of defective automobiles in the overflow lot for multiple days. If this problem isn’t fixed quickly, an increased amountRead MoreCase Study Toyota Motor Corporation Australia1739 Words   |  7 PagesASSESSMENT 3: Evaluation of business case Introduction and Summary of case study Introduction This report will critically examine a particular case of Toyota Motor Corporation Australia. The report provides a brief summary of the study and aims to identify and apply a set of criteria to evaluate Toyota’s possible decision in the adverse external environment, as well as make recommendations for a course of action in short-term and long-term based on the analysis of the external environment, the marketRead MoreTqm Toyota1189 Words   |  5 Pagesway in which the  ToyotaMotor Corporation uses  total  quality  management, with a specific focus on the  Toyota  Production System and the three main tools by which  Toyota  Motor Corporation manages  total  quality  management. Tags:  Toyota  TQM,  Total  quality  management  in  Toyota,  Toyota  total  quality  management, TQM and  Toyota,  Toyota  TQM analysis More abstract from  Total Quality Management and Toyota [...] However, before going further, it must be noted that total quality management can be appliedRead MoreAlternative Terms For Jit Manufacturing Essay1458 Words   |  6 PagesJust-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, also known as just-in-time production or the Toyota production system (TPS), is a methodology aimed primarily at reducing flow times within production system as well as response times from suppliers and to customers. Following its origin and development in Japan, largely in the 1960s and 1970s and particularly at Toyota.[1][2] Alternative terms for JIT manufacturing have been used. Motorola s choice was short-cycle manufacturing (SCM).[3][4] IBM s was continuous-flowRead MoreGeneral Motors And The U.s. Auto Industry1029 Words   |  5 Pages Five Forces Analysis of General Motors and the U.S. Auto Industry Trinity Washington University Jessica Jackson I realize the responsibility involved in membership in the Trinity community. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of this community. I also affirm my intentions to live according to the standards of honor, to which lying, stealing, and cheating are opposed. I will help others to maintain this responsibly in all matters essential to the common good of the community.Read MoreToyota Case Analysis : Toyota1063 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract This study identify current Toyota strategy problem. Toyota is a top leader in the automotive industry and this paper focus on how they can develop and manage their problem Later than, it will recommend some solution to them to protect the company from competitors. Toyota Case Analysis Introduction Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the leading automakers with a huge market in the US. Toyota Company is located in Japan, and its headquarters in the U.S. are based in TorranceRead MoreEconomics 202600 Words   |  3 PagesESSAY #1. Read the following case study from the book. Please answer the questions at the end in more detail. The maximum number of pages is two. Answer as best as you can. Let me know if you have any questions. Business Case: Efficiency, Opportunity Cost and the logic of lean Production at Boeing Pg. 44 Ch.2 In the summer and fall of 2010, workers were rearranging the furniture in Boeing’s final assembly plant in Everett, Washington, in preparation for the production of the Boeing 767Read MoreFord Motor Company Swot Analysis Essay1549 Words   |  7 PagesFord Motor Company SWOT Analysis Introduction Ford Motors is an American based company that was founded over a century ago back in 1903. Ford Motors is one of the most leading automobile manufacturers in the world and according to Forbes the company was the seventh largest car manufacturer in 2014. Ford Motors largely deals in the manufacture of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles and their production amounts to millions every year. Ford Motors operates around ninety manufacturing plantsRead Moreasucar738 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Genesee Community College Batavia NY Case #1 Eric J Villalobos BUS 214 Mrs. Paisley Case #1 - TO PAY OR NOT TO PAY? Toyota A. 65 years ago , in 1937 , Toyota Motor Corporation was founded first as a subsidiary of Toyota Automatic Works, one of the largest manufacturers of knitting machines led by the King of Inventions Sakichi Toyoda . To date , Toyota is the second largest automaker in units sold and net sales. It is by far the largest Japanese car manufacturer , producing

Friday, May 15, 2020

Star Wars The Movie, Toys, And Video Games - 1435 Words

While the current six movies of Star Wars cannot begin to tell all the stories of its universe, these stories are told through its extensive side stories, known as the Expanded Universe. This includes works related to Star Wars that are not included in the official canon, such as the comics, toys, and video games (â€Å"Star Wars Opens†). There are also well over 250 books written in the Star Wars universe. These works can all take place at varying times, from thousands of years before the first episode to what happens centuries after the last. This timeline is typically divided into BBY, Before Battle of Yavin, and ABY, After Battle of Yavin (Clark). Despite all of these additions to the universe, Yoda has never received a name for his species (Romano). One of the largest costuming groups in the world was influenced by the Star Wars films, known as the 501st (Clark). Albin Johnson founded the organization in 1997 and gave it the name 501st. Timothy Zhan then paid tribute to t he group in 2004 by putting the name in his Star Wars book, Survivor’s Quest, making the 501st present in the Star Wars universe (â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions†). The 501st were in Star Wars: Episode III as an elite unit of clone troopers, and later including a few of the best stormtroopers, that was assigned to work under fallen Jedi Anakin Skywalker in the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They are then given a deeper story in the campaign mode of the popular video game Star Wars - BattlefrontShow MoreRelatedStar Wars Informative Speech Essay764 Words   |  4 PagesStar Wars What movie franchise has been the most powerful film franchise in history? Who could forget traveling through space fighting evil, using the force, and defeating the empire? Yes I am talking about Star Wars. The franchise includes 6 movies and countless games, toys, and books. Now I know yall must be thinking â€Å"she only thinks star wars in so important cause it’s her favorite movie or she’s a geek or something like that† Well to be honest I have never in my life seen any of the moviesRead More George Lucas: One of the greatest filmmakers Essay1444 Words   |  6 Pages George Lucas: One of the greatest film makers â€Å"With the exception of maybe a handful of people, no one has made an impact on the movie making world like George Lucas has. With hundred of hours of film with his mark out there, Lucas has amazed his audiences time and time again with expert story telling† (The Gods of Filmmaking). George Lucas has written, directed, and produced countless films, many of which are some of today’s most highly regarded films by critics all over the world. â€Å"George Lucas’sRead MoreBrand Differentiators : A Brand Differentiator2564 Words   |  11 Pagesare associated with more mainstream and timely story themes. LEGO, in recent years has done an excellent job in branding partnerships with major movie series such as Marvel, DC Comics, Jurassic Park, the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. They have also been able to expand into their own timely movie and TV series productions such as The LEGO Movie, NINJAGO, CHIMA and BIONICLE (Cooler Insights). Because they have s tructured their brand features to story based themes, they can maintain theirRead MoreDigital Technology : An Effective Platform For Creativity And Innovation1552 Words   |  7 Pageswas in crisis. In 2003, LEGO sales were collapsing at a rate of 26% a year, losing around 1.4 billion Danish kroner (equivalent to $300 million AUD) (3). The company had been thriving until the start of the century when new technology-enabled toys and games took significant market attention (6). The LEGO Group had to turn to more modern marketing devices. The transmedia branding framework relies on the promotion of participation through brand value, harnessing collective intelligence to deepenRead MoreEssay about Gi Joe595 Words   |  3 PagesG.I. Joe has been a brand in the market for toys since its launch in 1964 with $3 billion in sales over the last 20 years, with 16% of the market share. Despite the brands success the GI Joe is positioned as a physical product, as appose to an all-encompassing brand and the toy market has volatile sales depending upon trends created by consumer demand. Hasbro is now challenged to take the G.I. Joe brand to the next level and market it in such a way that will allow the brand continues to thrive whileRead More The contemporary Hollywood blockbuster is not so much a film as a dev1631 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å" I like ideas, especially movie ideas, that you can hold in your hand. If a person can tell me the idea in twenty-five words o r less, its going to make a pretty good movie.† Steven Spielberg.’ For this essay I intend to discuss how Hollywood as an industry has used the marketing strategies of blockbuster films to significant advantage in film merchandising. Along with the use of mass merchandising as a form of marketing films, with the hope of creating awareness among the public. As merchandisingRead MoreThe Effects Of Television And Video Game Violence On Children899 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction The following paper will examine the negative effects of television and video game violence on children who watch and play these games. Speculation as to the causes of the recent mass shootings in American schools and other public places motivated me to pay more attention to violence on television and in video games and write this paper. Most of these horrible attacks on innocent people occurred by a teenager or young adult. Flipping through television channels, I started payingRead MoreStar Wars Essay1850 Words   |  8 Pagesthe person who changed cinema forever. George Lucas did all of this in 1977 with the release of the film he created, originally called, â€Å"The Star Wars.† He had this idea after his first feature length film â€Å"American Graffiti† in 1973. This film became popular and he later pitched his idea for a space opera to the production company. They agreed and Star Wars was born. In the beginning, it was meant to be one film, which would entai l all of the story for the three films in the original trilogy, A NewRead MoreLego Features Of Lego Blocks2169 Words   |  9 Pagesdifferent sets, for example, a Star Wars Death Star set is $499 (, n.d.), but LEGO also has sets for beginners that can be very inexpensive. LEGO would be categorized shopping product, as they have the potential where customers are willing to invest time and effort, and there are many other brands of toys to be considered. In North America the Death Star Set has reached its maturity stage as the brand has begun shipping this major item to retailers, such as Toys ‘R’ Us. Even as the item hasRead MoreEssay On Evaluating Commercial Toys1410 Words   |  6 PagesEvaluating Commercial Toys I cannot remember the last time I woke up early on a Saturday morning with a big bowl of cereal to watch cartoons? I usually just turn on Hulu to watch some of my old time favorite cartoons such as Hey Arnold, Jimmy Neutron and X-Men. I have even watched Power Puff Girls sometimes. Last Saturday I watched cartoons on ABC, CBS and NBC and thought it would be an excellent way to see how toys are being marketed to children these days. Honestly it doesn’t have to be a Saturday

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Truth about Animal Testing - 1073 Words

â€Å"Right now millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, puppies and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages, in laboratories across the country. They ache in loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead all they can do is wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them,† is the opening statement on the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or more commonly PETA, website. An estimated 29 million animals are used in scientific and commercial testing each year in the United States. Animal testing is often cruel, and cannot accurately predict results in human beings because humans are very different. This issue is very personal to me, as I love animals and have two†¦show more content†¦According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to forced inhalation, force feeding food, and water deprivation, long periods of physical restraint, burns and other wounds to study the healing process. Many procedures inflict pain to study its effects and remedies and killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means. One of the most commonly used test is the Draize eye test, it is used by cosmetics companies to evaluate irritation caused by shampoos and other cosmetic products. The test involves rabbits being restrained with their eyelids held open by clips, sometimes for multiple days, in order to keep them from blinking away the products being tested. The chemicals from these tests often leave the rabbit’s eyes bleeding and with ulcers. Many animal experiments use restraining devices that are designed to prevent an animal from moving. Some research projects call for immobilization of specific parts of an animal’s body and others involve immobilization of an animal’s entire body. For example, researchers at several major U.S. universities have conducted â€Å"stress experiments† on rats and mice. These experiments included immobilizing mice and rats in small tubes, shocking their feet, hanging them by their tails, and forcing them to swim to avoid drowning. Some of these experiments lasted severalShow MoreRelatedThe Truth About Animal Testing1417 Words   |  6 PagesThe Truth about Animal Testing In 2012, a 24-year-old art student named Jacqueline Traide was subjected to animal testing methods in a Lush store window. Passerby – as well as the rest of the world, after this story was spread – were baffled and sickened by how this young woman was treated, enduring being pulled around by a rope, physical restraint, having cosmetics poured into her eyes, being shaven and more (Harris). She participated in this appalling display to portray the reality of animal testingRead MoreThe Animal Welfare Act ( Awa )897 Words   |  4 Pages Some scientist argue animals often make better research subjects than humans. Certain scientists believe this because many animals have a shorter life cycle than humans. In the same manner that mice are one of the most used animals for medical research testing, they live for only two to three years. Scientist are able to study the effects of treatments or genetic manipulation over a whole lifespan and even across several generations. By do ing this scientists are able to develop new medicine andRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1581 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing is being used by different organizations all over the world to prevent specific diseases, especially cancer. Americans see animal testing having a harmful effect but it is one of the main reasons why society has most cures for some illnesses. This topic is important because people need to know what goes on during animal testing and why it is very beneficial. Animal testing needs to be used to find all cures. Some animals such as chimps/ monkeys have 90% of the same DNA humans haveRead MoreAnimal Testing in the Cosmetic Industry: An Increasingly Controversial Issue706 Words   |  3 PagesAnimal testing has become an increasingly controversial issue since the 1980s. This has been the case especially in the cosmetics industry, where esthetic value rather than necessity is at the core of the industry. Since information regarding the often unnece ssarily cruel practice of animal testing has become public knowledge, many activist groups have targeted the industry to pressure manufacturers into stopping practices that have been deemed unacceptable. While some of these efforts have met withRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Animal Testing1485 Words   |  6 Pagesinhale toxic gases. This is just a couple examples of the pain and suffering animals go through while being experimented on. Experimentation can be defined as a process that performs a scientific procedure that usually takes place in the lab to dictate something. Animal experimentation is unethical because of the many terrible tests conducted, it’s cruel, animals are equivalent to humans, and it’s not necessary. Animal testing has been around for a long time. Going all the way back to 384 - 322 BCRead MoreThe Ethics Of Animal Research967 Words   |  4 Pageslegitimacy. Mylan Engle Jr.’s argument â€Å"The Commonsense Case against Animal Experimentation† in The Ethics of Animal Research attempts to answer the problems of animal research through use of common sense. He does this by trying to give and objective (middle ground) argument against animal research and points out what everyone would consider being inhumane treatment of animals. Engle says: My argument for the immorality of using animals as test subjects in biomedical research is predicated on severalRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Not Be Banned857 Words   |  4 Pagesmeaning about animal experimentation. Animal experimentation is the use of animals, mostly monkeys, on research. Reason being as to why monkeys is because monkeys are far more intelligent than other animals. Animals are stripped from the environment and are tested on so scientists can make products safe for humans. The big problem is that it is inhumane. Animal experimentation should and needs to be stopped because it is cruel, unethical, and not reliable. Having scientists test on animals is cruelRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Essay example955 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Experimentation has been a debated topic for decades. While most scientists claim that it is necessary, animal activists believe it is inhumane. Both groups have tenacious arguments, but scientists have no real proof that their successes could not have been achieved without animal testing. As a result, the argument against animal experimentation proves to be more effective. In the past and even now, it appears that many medical advances have been discovered using animal testing. AlthoughRead MoreWhy Animal Testing Is Bad1578 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing, also known as animal research or experimentation refers to the use of non-human animals to conduct experiments which seek to control certain variables that have the potential to impact the biological systems or behaviors under study. The most commonly used animals are usually mice, cats, rats, dogs and primates. More than 20 million animals are usually subjected to food, drugs, chemical and cosmetic testing each year in the United States alone (Sharma et al, p.1). These animals usuallyRead MoreAnimal Abuse Is The Act Of Cruelty And Infliction Of Pain On Non Human Animals1120 Words   |  5 Pages1 Jonathan Corbin Ms. Powell English 1020 5 Nov, 2015 Animal Abuse Animal abuse is the act of cruelty and infliction of pain on non-human animals. Dogs are the most common victims of the abuse. How do you feel about people abusing poor, innocent animals? I strongly believe there should be a greater punishment for the crimes committed.The controversy has grown greatly in the last few years with the increase of most abuse cases. Animal rights activists are working hard to bring success into

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Migration Towards Cloud Adoption In Management †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Migration Towards Cloud Adoption In Management? Answer: Introduction The aim of this report is to emphasis on the all the aspects related to the migration of existing system into cloud services system of Blood Donation Goup (BDG), which is a national organization and one of the largest Australian Companies in Australia. There are 50 branches of BDG in all over Australia and was established in 1990. Supplying blood products for the hospitals in Australia is the major activity of this organization. This report has been proposed in order to investigate and assess the migration of the current system of BDG to the Cloud. This report emphasis on the challenges and issues related to the migration of this system. Cyber-security risk, one of the major concerned topics for this digital world has been explained in this report along with its assessment. A recommendation of Public Cloud Services has also been proposed in this report which is based on the discussions made in the report. Cloud Migration benefits Cloud migration is a process of moving business elements like data or information, application etc. from onsite computers of the organization to the cloud or it can also be referred to moving information from one Cloud to another Cloud (Cloud-to-Cloud migration). There are several benefits of cloud migration for the BDG which can be listed as: Reduced cost: Operating expenses and capital expenses both can be reduced through cloud migration because cloud computing can be offered resources when there is the need of it and payment is o b made when used (Bhopale 2012). Resource maintenance and update of those resources are being offered by the third party as they are the service provider for cloud computing and responsible for this upgrade and maintenance (Caron, et al. 2016). Increase storage: Another benefit of the cloud migration is that many cloud providers are providing storage as a service. It will provide storage for BDG in the cloud and if needed extra storage can also be provided by the service providers. Flexibility: Cloud solution provides flexibility to the organizational operations including storage of data. Applications provided by service providers can be easily deployed and tested. Various applications are offered by the service providers and if BDG is not satisfied with the application there is also a switch application option (Ali, Khan and Vasilakos 2015). It also provides flexibility for the data access at anywhere via connecting to the internet. Unlimited scalability: This is one of the major benefits of cloud computing which lies in the flexibility in order to scale down or scale up the IT infrastructure of an organization depending on the needs of the firm (Bhopale 2012). This results in no worry for the organization about the IT infrastructure in future for extra needs and operations as they can be set up in minimal time. Better mobility: Cloud service are accessible through internet, this allows the users to access the cloud information from anywhere on their mobile devices via connecting to the internet (Chang, Walters and Wills 2016). This will be an ideal solution for telecommuters or road warriors or someone who needs access to the saved data after office hours. Automation: It reduces the efforts of the IT team to regular audit the application upgrade and system upgrade as the service providers will take care of all the updates and upgrades of the application. Cloud Migration Challenges Issues Cloud security: Reviewing latest intrusion and data breaches making it one of the most concerned objectives for an organization. It results in better care for the information that is about to saved in the cloud or migrating those information from one server o the cloud (Srinivasan et al. 2012). Migrating business operational activities information or data into cloud will also contain sensitive information about the individuals and the organization (Botta et al. 2016). The organization should think of security for this information before migrating to the cloud. Sensitive Data: Organizations or firms including big, medium and small carry out operational activities based on the information saved into the system and data hared between individuals that are inter-related with the organization including third parties (Bhopale 2012). Data loss or expose may occur while migration of data from a server to the cloud, which in turn can affect the organization in reputation or monetarily wise (Maresova, Sobeslav and Krejcar 2017). This results that migration of data is a pain staking task that requires ample skill to manage and handle respective precautions. Portability: It could be another challenge for the migration of existed system into Cloud system for BDG as, the software or application that is being used in one environment should be portable with another cloud environment. Running systems or components written from environment to another environment is the meaning of portability for this case (Azodolmolky, Weider and Yahyapour 2013). Interoperability: Cloud computing can raise one of the most pressing issues that can be stated as the difference between implicit lack of interoperability and approaches of the individual vendors. Interoperability is concerned with the ability of systems to communicate. In cloud computing, interoperability means the ability of writing code that is capable of working with various cloud providers simultaneously. Therefore in order to make this migration successful, an organization should be compatible with many cloud service providers. SLAs (Service Level Agreements): Under SLA definition of the interaction between the cloud service consumer and the cloud service provider is defined. Following are the objectives that should be mentioned in SLA: Responsibilities of the consumer and provider. The set of services that will defines what the provider is going to deliver including the specific and complete definition of each service and their impacts. Weaknesses should also be mentioned in this SLA (Rong, Nguyen and Jaatun 2013). The set of metrics should also mentioned in order to determine whether the service provider is delivering or not as per the promised services. Is Cloud Computing a Solution to the Raised Issues? Based on the benefits of cloud computing expressed in the above paragraph, all the raised issues can be solved except the one which was connectivity to the Facebook. The first two issues were related to the cost, which will be eliminated by this implication including the extra investment that will be made for the infrastructure. No external hardware is required for this innovative change and will also eliminate the cost for the maintenance and upgrading the application (Pearson 2013). The third party that is providing service of cloud computing will be responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of the applications. More technological infrastructure expanses have been saved by this implication. Another issue was timely access to the data related to the donors, this had restricted various emergency activities and others related to blood donation. Cloud computing provides 24x7 services and access to the data save din the cloud, which is sufficient in manner to mitigate issue related to the data access. Cloud computing offers many applications among which some applications can offer, tracking the donor in very minimal time and will let the emergency supplies on time (Lin and Chen 2012). This can help in mitigating all the issues highlighted above and this will takes with only one platform that is Cloud Computing. Cyber-security Risks in Cloud Computing There are many challenges and benefits about the implication of cloud computing into the system of BDG. But there are cyber-security risks after the implementation of cloud computing into the system which can be listed as: Loss of Intellectual Property: Based on the analysis made by Skyhigh, it can be stated that more than 20% data that is being saved in the cloud contains sensitive information in which intellectual property are also included and many other types of information. Nowadays many firms and organizations are using multi-tenancy cloud services, in which the data is kept in the servers in order to deliver similar services for another organization (Almorsy, Grundy and Muller 2016). There are several levels of cloud storage service providers who are lacking in protecting the data or information that is being migrated to the cloud and also lacking in security means. Misuse of the saved data or information can be made in the name of circuitous terms and conditions by the service provider vendor in order to the establishment of ownership of the data that has been uploaded. A security breach or intrusion to the cloud service provider leads to compromising the sensitive data that is being uploaded b y the organization in the cloud via that service provider. Violations of Compliance and Regulatory Norms: Several compliance and regulatory requirements facing the enterprises in various types of geographies and markets. It can be better clear by the example, FERPA for student information and HIPAA guidelines for private health information. The organization or firm needs to ensure that their application service provider and cloud storage service providers take care of all the regulatory norms stated above (Tianfield 2012). Also, ensuring compliance to the norms like for the organization that promotes the Bring Your Own Cloud and Bring Your Own Device concepts becomes a lot more challenging. Organization might have to face loss in equity and severe penalties due to an intrusion in the form of cyber-crime or data breaches. Compromised Credentials and Authentication Breaches: Poor key management and certificate, lax authentication, and weak passwords can lead to cyber intrusion in cloud hosted applications and may cause damage to the organization. Organizations struggle with identity management issues as they predict privileges and permissions and with user roles. Several cloud applications are lacking in multifactor authentication that was the reason in Anthem breach, which had compromised records of 80 million customers (Xiao and Xiao 2013). This mass data expose explains how much important is multifactor authentication for the applications access. Organizations should be well aware of how vendors ensure protection and all related issues, which are seeking to federate, identify management with a cloud provider. Developers might feel guilty of leaving credentials and cryptographic keys within the open source codes, which allows them to be free in order to grab at portals similar to the GitHub. Threats to APIs: This is another issue related to the cyber-risk, which can affect the management under cloud computing system. Many cloud service providers offer their APIs to organizations IT teams in order to help them with cloud management, provisioning, monitoring and orchestration. This results in dependency on the Cloud services on the API security for the security of the information that is being saved in the cloud and its availability. Re Weak API interfaces the expose cloud applications towards risks of confidentiality, accountability, availability and integrity (Jouini et al. 2012). Such APIs continue to be the vulnerable layers for most of the organizations because they are easily accessible via open Internet. Security focused code and Rigorous penetration testing reviews are the key enablers for the sustainable protection of the APIs from data intrusion or cybercrimes. Hijacking of Accounts: Fraud, phishing, and software exploits are still prevalent everywhere on the internet. Cyber criminals or intruders have more ways to monitor activities of the users on the shared clouds, which makes Cloud services vulnerable to these types of disruptive cyber attacks. There could be two most effective and preventive means for an organization to protect its cloud applications and data, which can be listed as: Firstly, ensuring that there is no sharing of account details and passwords between the users. Secondly, ensuring that there is implication of multifactor authentication schemes at every possible place could mitigate this threat (Patel et al. 2013). Prevention of loosing account details should be the first step in order to keep cloud applications and storage safe from violations, intrusions, phishing and many other violations. Abuse of cloud services: There could be the misuse of Cloud services in order to commit the nefarious cyber crimes, usage of cloud resources in order to access the encryption keys, to launching DDoS attacks on the server of an organization. Use of cloud resources of an organization for cyber crimes or intrusion can have many impacts: firstly, exposure to legal liabilities in form of lawsuits from impacted parties, secondly, severe loss of reputation, thirdly, low availability of the cloud systems (Ren, Wang and Wang 2012). Ensuring that the cloud service provider can offer mechanism of abuse reporting quickly in order to control and help avoid such issues (Younis and Kifayat 2013). Conclusion Based on the above report it can be concluded that Migration of the existing data and information from database to the cloud can be beneficial for the BDG in order to mitigate the issues that have been identified in previous research. The challenges and issues that have introduced in this report can be eliminated or minimized at the extent level by certain measures and precautions. This report shows how cyber risks can affect the functioning of the organization and how it can be eliminated. Public Cloud Services has been recommended for the migration of cloud computing system for the BDG. BDG should transform its existent system towards cloud computing in order to provide better services and meet the demands of the customers, even in emergency cases. Recommendations BDG should move the system to the cloud in order to enhance the performance of the organization and mitigate all the issues that have risen in previous research. Following are some recommendation and vendors name: BDG should make public cloud services as the promoted, primary, and prioritized deployment model for all the new organizational operational activities, business processes, applications, or workloads. Continuously evolving the cloud application suitability model can be also recommended to the BDG. Another recommendation for the BDG is that Dr. White should choose the level of private cloud according to the needs of the organization and its employees. 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