Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Migration Towards Cloud Adoption In Management †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Migration Towards Cloud Adoption In Management? Answer: Introduction The aim of this report is to emphasis on the all the aspects related to the migration of existing system into cloud services system of Blood Donation Goup (BDG), which is a national organization and one of the largest Australian Companies in Australia. There are 50 branches of BDG in all over Australia and was established in 1990. Supplying blood products for the hospitals in Australia is the major activity of this organization. This report has been proposed in order to investigate and assess the migration of the current system of BDG to the Cloud. This report emphasis on the challenges and issues related to the migration of this system. Cyber-security risk, one of the major concerned topics for this digital world has been explained in this report along with its assessment. A recommendation of Public Cloud Services has also been proposed in this report which is based on the discussions made in the report. Cloud Migration benefits Cloud migration is a process of moving business elements like data or information, application etc. from onsite computers of the organization to the cloud or it can also be referred to moving information from one Cloud to another Cloud (Cloud-to-Cloud migration). There are several benefits of cloud migration for the BDG which can be listed as: Reduced cost: Operating expenses and capital expenses both can be reduced through cloud migration because cloud computing can be offered resources when there is the need of it and payment is o b made when used (Bhopale 2012). Resource maintenance and update of those resources are being offered by the third party as they are the service provider for cloud computing and responsible for this upgrade and maintenance (Caron, et al. 2016). Increase storage: Another benefit of the cloud migration is that many cloud providers are providing storage as a service. It will provide storage for BDG in the cloud and if needed extra storage can also be provided by the service providers. Flexibility: Cloud solution provides flexibility to the organizational operations including storage of data. Applications provided by service providers can be easily deployed and tested. Various applications are offered by the service providers and if BDG is not satisfied with the application there is also a switch application option (Ali, Khan and Vasilakos 2015). It also provides flexibility for the data access at anywhere via connecting to the internet. Unlimited scalability: This is one of the major benefits of cloud computing which lies in the flexibility in order to scale down or scale up the IT infrastructure of an organization depending on the needs of the firm (Bhopale 2012). This results in no worry for the organization about the IT infrastructure in future for extra needs and operations as they can be set up in minimal time. Better mobility: Cloud service are accessible through internet, this allows the users to access the cloud information from anywhere on their mobile devices via connecting to the internet (Chang, Walters and Wills 2016). This will be an ideal solution for telecommuters or road warriors or someone who needs access to the saved data after office hours. Automation: It reduces the efforts of the IT team to regular audit the application upgrade and system upgrade as the service providers will take care of all the updates and upgrades of the application. Cloud Migration Challenges Issues Cloud security: Reviewing latest intrusion and data breaches making it one of the most concerned objectives for an organization. It results in better care for the information that is about to saved in the cloud or migrating those information from one server o the cloud (Srinivasan et al. 2012). Migrating business operational activities information or data into cloud will also contain sensitive information about the individuals and the organization (Botta et al. 2016). The organization should think of security for this information before migrating to the cloud. Sensitive Data: Organizations or firms including big, medium and small carry out operational activities based on the information saved into the system and data hared between individuals that are inter-related with the organization including third parties (Bhopale 2012). Data loss or expose may occur while migration of data from a server to the cloud, which in turn can affect the organization in reputation or monetarily wise (Maresova, Sobeslav and Krejcar 2017). This results that migration of data is a pain staking task that requires ample skill to manage and handle respective precautions. Portability: It could be another challenge for the migration of existed system into Cloud system for BDG as, the software or application that is being used in one environment should be portable with another cloud environment. Running systems or components written from environment to another environment is the meaning of portability for this case (Azodolmolky, Weider and Yahyapour 2013). Interoperability: Cloud computing can raise one of the most pressing issues that can be stated as the difference between implicit lack of interoperability and approaches of the individual vendors. Interoperability is concerned with the ability of systems to communicate. In cloud computing, interoperability means the ability of writing code that is capable of working with various cloud providers simultaneously. Therefore in order to make this migration successful, an organization should be compatible with many cloud service providers. SLAs (Service Level Agreements): Under SLA definition of the interaction between the cloud service consumer and the cloud service provider is defined. Following are the objectives that should be mentioned in SLA: Responsibilities of the consumer and provider. The set of services that will defines what the provider is going to deliver including the specific and complete definition of each service and their impacts. Weaknesses should also be mentioned in this SLA (Rong, Nguyen and Jaatun 2013). The set of metrics should also mentioned in order to determine whether the service provider is delivering or not as per the promised services. Is Cloud Computing a Solution to the Raised Issues? Based on the benefits of cloud computing expressed in the above paragraph, all the raised issues can be solved except the one which was connectivity to the Facebook. The first two issues were related to the cost, which will be eliminated by this implication including the extra investment that will be made for the infrastructure. No external hardware is required for this innovative change and will also eliminate the cost for the maintenance and upgrading the application (Pearson 2013). The third party that is providing service of cloud computing will be responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of the applications. More technological infrastructure expanses have been saved by this implication. Another issue was timely access to the data related to the donors, this had restricted various emergency activities and others related to blood donation. Cloud computing provides 24x7 services and access to the data save din the cloud, which is sufficient in manner to mitigate issue related to the data access. Cloud computing offers many applications among which some applications can offer, tracking the donor in very minimal time and will let the emergency supplies on time (Lin and Chen 2012). This can help in mitigating all the issues highlighted above and this will takes with only one platform that is Cloud Computing. Cyber-security Risks in Cloud Computing There are many challenges and benefits about the implication of cloud computing into the system of BDG. But there are cyber-security risks after the implementation of cloud computing into the system which can be listed as: Loss of Intellectual Property: Based on the analysis made by Skyhigh, it can be stated that more than 20% data that is being saved in the cloud contains sensitive information in which intellectual property are also included and many other types of information. Nowadays many firms and organizations are using multi-tenancy cloud services, in which the data is kept in the servers in order to deliver similar services for another organization (Almorsy, Grundy and Muller 2016). There are several levels of cloud storage service providers who are lacking in protecting the data or information that is being migrated to the cloud and also lacking in security means. Misuse of the saved data or information can be made in the name of circuitous terms and conditions by the service provider vendor in order to the establishment of ownership of the data that has been uploaded. A security breach or intrusion to the cloud service provider leads to compromising the sensitive data that is being uploaded b y the organization in the cloud via that service provider. Violations of Compliance and Regulatory Norms: Several compliance and regulatory requirements facing the enterprises in various types of geographies and markets. It can be better clear by the example, FERPA for student information and HIPAA guidelines for private health information. The organization or firm needs to ensure that their application service provider and cloud storage service providers take care of all the regulatory norms stated above (Tianfield 2012). Also, ensuring compliance to the norms like for the organization that promotes the Bring Your Own Cloud and Bring Your Own Device concepts becomes a lot more challenging. Organization might have to face loss in equity and severe penalties due to an intrusion in the form of cyber-crime or data breaches. Compromised Credentials and Authentication Breaches: Poor key management and certificate, lax authentication, and weak passwords can lead to cyber intrusion in cloud hosted applications and may cause damage to the organization. Organizations struggle with identity management issues as they predict privileges and permissions and with user roles. Several cloud applications are lacking in multifactor authentication that was the reason in Anthem breach, which had compromised records of 80 million customers (Xiao and Xiao 2013). This mass data expose explains how much important is multifactor authentication for the applications access. Organizations should be well aware of how vendors ensure protection and all related issues, which are seeking to federate, identify management with a cloud provider. Developers might feel guilty of leaving credentials and cryptographic keys within the open source codes, which allows them to be free in order to grab at portals similar to the GitHub. Threats to APIs: This is another issue related to the cyber-risk, which can affect the management under cloud computing system. Many cloud service providers offer their APIs to organizations IT teams in order to help them with cloud management, provisioning, monitoring and orchestration. This results in dependency on the Cloud services on the API security for the security of the information that is being saved in the cloud and its availability. Re Weak API interfaces the expose cloud applications towards risks of confidentiality, accountability, availability and integrity (Jouini et al. 2012). Such APIs continue to be the vulnerable layers for most of the organizations because they are easily accessible via open Internet. Security focused code and Rigorous penetration testing reviews are the key enablers for the sustainable protection of the APIs from data intrusion or cybercrimes. Hijacking of Accounts: Fraud, phishing, and software exploits are still prevalent everywhere on the internet. Cyber criminals or intruders have more ways to monitor activities of the users on the shared clouds, which makes Cloud services vulnerable to these types of disruptive cyber attacks. There could be two most effective and preventive means for an organization to protect its cloud applications and data, which can be listed as: Firstly, ensuring that there is no sharing of account details and passwords between the users. Secondly, ensuring that there is implication of multifactor authentication schemes at every possible place could mitigate this threat (Patel et al. 2013). Prevention of loosing account details should be the first step in order to keep cloud applications and storage safe from violations, intrusions, phishing and many other violations. Abuse of cloud services: There could be the misuse of Cloud services in order to commit the nefarious cyber crimes, usage of cloud resources in order to access the encryption keys, to launching DDoS attacks on the server of an organization. Use of cloud resources of an organization for cyber crimes or intrusion can have many impacts: firstly, exposure to legal liabilities in form of lawsuits from impacted parties, secondly, severe loss of reputation, thirdly, low availability of the cloud systems (Ren, Wang and Wang 2012). Ensuring that the cloud service provider can offer mechanism of abuse reporting quickly in order to control and help avoid such issues (Younis and Kifayat 2013). Conclusion Based on the above report it can be concluded that Migration of the existing data and information from database to the cloud can be beneficial for the BDG in order to mitigate the issues that have been identified in previous research. The challenges and issues that have introduced in this report can be eliminated or minimized at the extent level by certain measures and precautions. This report shows how cyber risks can affect the functioning of the organization and how it can be eliminated. Public Cloud Services has been recommended for the migration of cloud computing system for the BDG. BDG should transform its existent system towards cloud computing in order to provide better services and meet the demands of the customers, even in emergency cases. Recommendations BDG should move the system to the cloud in order to enhance the performance of the organization and mitigate all the issues that have risen in previous research. Following are some recommendation and vendors name: BDG should make public cloud services as the promoted, primary, and prioritized deployment model for all the new organizational operational activities, business processes, applications, or workloads. Continuously evolving the cloud application suitability model can be also recommended to the BDG. Another recommendation for the BDG is that Dr. White should choose the level of private cloud according to the needs of the organization and its employees. The sectors where agility is required; focus should be the most frequently provisioned workloads will be helpful for the BDG. Selecting Public Cloud Services and virtualization automation (VA) rather than building a fully featured private cloud is recommended to Dr. White for BDG. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud are the trusty vendors for public cloud services. References: Ali, M., Khan, S.U. and Vasilakos, A.V., 2015. Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, 305, pp.357-383. 5. Daz, M., Martn, C. and Rubio, B., 2016. State-of-the-art, challenges, and open issues in the integration of Internet of things and cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 67, pp.99-117. Almorsy, M., Grundy, J. and Mller, I., 2016. An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Azodolmolky, S., Wieder, P. and Yahyapour, R., 2013. 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